About 13 meters high red-granite obelisk, Originally, it was erected in a village called Abgig few kilometers/miles far from the Fayoum City.
Later, it was restored and re-erected at Medinet El Fayoum’s northern entrance. Though it’s decoration and inscription are much worn down and difficult to make out . it was still standing at its original site near Abgig, when Richard Pococke visited the fayoum in the 1740, but sixty years later a French artist, Jomard, recording monument for the description de l’Egypte”, found it lying on the ground ,broken in two, and thus it remained until the 1970s when the great stone, weighing altogether 100 tons, was transported, reconstructed and erected on its present site by the local department of Antiquities.

It was erected by the king Senusert the First or the “Man of The Goddess Wosret” Also known as ” Sesostris” Which is Greek name. His throne name is “Kheper-Ka-Re” Which Means “The Soul Of Re comes into Being”.

As you enter the town from Cairo, you pass a large monument of red granite in the middle of a traffic circle.