Tag Archives: Archaeology

Medinet Madi ( Narmouthis )

Medinet Madi Archaeological Site

Madinet Madi Archaeological site is located in a small hill of a strategic position guarding the southwestern entrance to the Fayoum about 35 km far from Medinet El-Fayoum. The town was called Dj3 in Hieroglyphs, while during the Greek period it was identified as Narmouthis (Bresciani, 1980). The name Madi, which means “City of the Past”, seems to have originated from the Arab existence. A document, dates back to the ninth century AD., has been found in the site mentioning Madi as the name of the site

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Founded ca. 270 BC- abandoned ca. AD 650 The village of Karanis is located in the northern part of the Fayum Oasis, south-west of today’s Calro; the modern name of the place is Kom Aushim, easily to be reached on the highway to the Fayum from Cairo. After approx. 60 km from the pyramids of Giza, you see the remains of ancient Karanis on your left-hand side. Like many other villages in the Fayoum, Karanis was

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