Category Archives: Protected Areas

Protected Areas of Fayoum,Egypt

Wadi Rayan National Park

 Wadi El Rayan National Park


Date of Announcement: 1989

Area: 1759 Km2

Located less than two hours away from Cairo, Wadi El Rayan is one of Egypt’s most famous nature reserves. Named after King El Rayan Ibn El Walid who had lived in the area with his army, the nature reserve is part of El Fayoum governorate and located about 75 km away from El Fayoum city.

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Qarun Lake National Park

Fayoum’s Lake Qaroun National Park

Arial view of the Lake

Date of Announcement: 1989

Area: 1385 Km2

Type: Wetlands

is one of Egypt’s richest and most treasured natural landmarks.  Lake Qarun received its protectorate status, not only because of its obvious beauty and importance for birds and people, but also for its unparalleled historical, natural and scientific importance. Continue reading Qarun Lake National Park

The Valley of the Whales ( Wadi Hitan )

The Valley of the Whales

Wadi Al-Hitan in Egypt’s Western Desert is the only place in the world where the skeletons of families of archaic whales can be seen in their original geological and geographic setting of the shallow nutrient-rich
bay of a sea of some 40 million years ago. The fossils and sediments of different periods and levels reveal many millions of years of life and are valuable indications of the palaeoecologic conditions, of Eocene vertebrate and invertebrate life and the evolution of these ancestors of modern whales. Remarkably, two species still had small hind limbs, feet and toes.

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